



Absorbent heating fiber is achieved by adding a special nano-hydrophilic mineral material in the spinning process.


1 absorbent and heating: this fibers are added heating the absorbent materials which contain a large amount of Polar hydrophilic groups. This Polar hydrophilic groups can quickly catch dynamic water molecules in the air and adsorb and fix them to the fiber surface. Kinetic energy of water molecules can change into heat energy to heating the air. And people have a lot of sweat evaporated when they stay in relax. But heat absorbent fibers have good moisture absorption by the use of gas and liquid water changes and change water vapor of the sweat produced by the body into heat.
2 the cold protection and warm: this fiber has a unique caged structure which contains a lot of static air, and can effectively prevent from losing heat and from cold into the barrier. In the end, you will feel worm.

3 moisture adjustment: in drought winter, the material contains hydrophilic group to prevent from static electricity in skin surface. And the capillary of fiber can absorb the excess moisture and keep dry.
4 Lightweight and breathable: fiber raw materials and unique spinning process has a soft-touch process, so that the fabric has excellent drape fabric, to keep fabric thin-soft and breathable .